298 research outputs found

    Design techniques for high performance optical wireless front-ends

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    Wireless optical networks usually have demanding specifications in terms of bandwidth, dynamic range and sensitivity. The front-end is a critical element for the fulfillment of these demands. This paper discusses several design aspects of front-ends for optical wireless communications, covering techniques for achieving high gains, high input dynamic ranges, improving noise performance, and reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI). The paper further presents some experimental results of many of the techniques here described. The cumulative usage of those techniques significantly increases system performance, in terms of sensitivity, power and bandwidth even with low cost, CMOS technologies

    Micro and macro network slicing: an experimental assessment of the impact of increasing numbers of slices

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    The fifth generation (5G) telecommunications network aims not only to enhance traffic performance and allow efficient management, but also to enable it to dynamically and flexibly adapt to the traffic demands of different vertical scenarios. In order to support that enablement, the underlying network procedures (i.e., network functions) are being virtualized and deployed in cloud-based environments, allowing for a more optimized usage of the infra-structure resources. In addition, such resources can be sliced, allowing isolated provisioning to specific network functions allocated to disparate vertical deployments. As network slices are envisaged by network operators to fulfill a small number of slices, able to cater towards essential 5G scenario demands (i.e., enhanced mobile broadband, massive machine-type communications and ultra reliable low-latency communications), the total amount of slices existing in a system is currently dictated by the underlying operational overhead placed over the cloud infra-structure. This paper explores the challenges associated to a vision where the network slicing concept is applied with a much greater level of granularity, ultimately allowing it to become a core mechanism of the network’s operation, with large numbers of co-existing slices. In that respect, this paper proposes an architecture framework for instantiation of network slices among network providers, which in turn are able to instantiate sub-slices tailored to use cases and vertical tenants. The evaluation of this concept is done following a two-pronged approach: firstly, different slice dimensions (i.e., from micro to macro) are proposed and discussed, pointing out the benefits and challenges of each proposed slice; secondly, we deployed a mobile network provider (MNO), using OpenAirInterface and FlexRAN frameworks, and experimentally evaluated the its slicing mechanisms. The objective is to provide insight on the challenges and impact associated with the deployment of an increasing amount of slices, using the same available infra-structural resources.publishe

    AMazING - Advanced Mobile wireless playGrouND

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    We describe a wireless testbed composed of 24 wireless nodes that can be used to perform a broad range of studies in the area of next generation networks. This paper addresses the difficulties and constrains faced by the authors throughout the deployment process of such testbed. Flexibility and controllability were key concerns driving the testbed design. The testbed can be remotely managed through a series of remotely accessible web services performing low level management. Validation results are presented, showing the interference levels of the testbed as well as its maximum throughput capabilities

    A Cross-System Approach for Multimedia Services with IP Multicast in 4G Networks

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    The increased demand for multimedia services by mobile end users in recent years have driven both Broadcast and Wireless Network operators to develop new systems and architectures for the deployment of such services. The proposed solutions are nonetheless limited either in terms of QoS or Capabilities to deliver new interactive services. This paper highlights strengths and drawbacks of the existing technologies in terms of QoS, Security and Mobility. In order to fill the gap between current solutions we propose a new architecture that builds itself on the synergies created by a heterogeneous network made of existing delivering technologies, such as 3GPP/MBMS and DVB, where services can be delivered to end-users in the most appropriate way for end-users and operators alike. A prototype implementation is further described.EU project - IST-2002- 506997 Daidalos I

    A transsignaling strategy for QoS support in heterogeneous networks

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    The increasing usage of multiple signalling mechanisms, with associated QoS extensions, creates several problems to commercial data networks. New and scalable approaches are required for the network operator to support this diversity. This paper discusses a highly flexible, scalable architecture for processing QoS Admission Control in public networks. The architecture relies on the cooperation of two different entities, an agent and a manager, with fully distributed implementation, and able to perform the required signalling, authorization, and admission control decisions. If required, the agent is capable of interfacing with different signalling mechanisms. Early implementation conclusions are also presented. This architecture is capable of operating with multiple QoS frameworks, with minimal added overhead

    An integration of slicing, NFV, and SDN for mobility management in corporate environments

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    Online access to information while on the move has conferred businesses with the capability to be constantly accessible and in operation, independently of geographical area or time zone. There are situations, however, that demand technical solutions for specific scenarios, such as controlled access to corporate-based content. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) allow controlled remote access to con-tent, supporting scenarios such as teleworking. Nonetheless, such mechanisms are not commonly associated with the highly mobile users of today, which can traverse different types of access networks, while still keeping access to con-tent restricted to corporate network usage. In addition, as VPN mechanisms are disassociated from mobility procedures, service disruption can happen or specific mechanisms and clients can be required in end-user's equipment. This paper proposes a framework that leverages Network Slicing, enabled by Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualisation, to provide seamless and isolated access to corporate-based content while moving through heterogeneous networks. This solution allows Mobile Network Operators to dynamically instantiate isolated network slices for corporate users, and handover them between 3GPP and non-3GPP networks while users move away from the corporate network. In this way, they are able to keep access to corporate-based content in a transparent way, while maintaining access requirements for the servicebeing used. The framework was implemented and validated over an experimental testbed composed by mobile and Wi-Fi accesses, with results presenting improvements in terms of overhead signaling and data redirection without downtime nor stream reconnection.publishe

    Visible light communication for advanced driver assistant systems

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    VIsible light communication for advanced Driver Assistant Systems (VIDAS) is an outdoor application using the visible spectrum of light emitting diodes (LED). A simple traffic light set up based on LED traffic lights for traffic information transmission has been analyzed in this paper. Various important design parameters have been optimized through intensive investigation based on gain variation over 100 m of transmission range. This process is expected to simplify the front-end receiver design and enhance the performance of the receiver which is one of the most critical elements in a visible light communication (VLC) transceiver, especially in outdoor applications. Our design results show receiver adaptability for different packet sizes and different distances.FCT project VIDAS – PDTC/EEA-TEL/75217/200

    Distributed and typed role-based access control mechanisms driven by CRUD expressions

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    Business logics of relational databases applications are an important source of security violations, namely in respect to access control. The situation is particularly critical when access control policies are many and complex. In these cases, programmers of business logics can hardly master the established access control policies. Now we consider situations where business logics are built with tools such as JDBC and ODBC. These tools convey two sources of security threats: 1) the use of unauthorized Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) expressions and also 2) the modification of data previously retrieved by Select statements. To overcome this security gap when Role-based access control policies are used, we propose an extension to the basic model in order to control the two sources of security threats. Finally, we present a software architectural model from which distributed and typed RBAC mechanisms are automatically built, this way relieving programmers from mastering any security schema. We demonstrate empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our proposal from a use case based on Java and JDBC

    Semantic-based publish/subscribe for M2M

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    The number of connected devices is expected to soar in the coming years, each one of them collects and distributes real-world information though various systems. As the number of such connected devices grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to store and share all these new sources of information. Several context representation schemes try to standardize this information, however none of them have been widely adopted. Publish/ subscribe paradigm has proven to be an adequate abstraction for large scale information dissemination, but none of current variations is well suited for context information. In a previous publication we addressed these challenges, however our solution has some drawbacks: poor scalability and semantic extraction. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we discuss an efficient way to deal with representation schemes diversity and propose a d-dimensional context organization model. Second, we propose a semantic-based publish/subscribe system that is well suited for M2M scenarios. Our evaluation shows that d-dimensional organization model outperforms our previous solution in both speed and space requirements

    Role-based access control mechanisms: distributed, statically implemented and driven by CRUD expressions

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    Most of the security threats in relational database applications have their source in client-side systems when they issue requests formalized by Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) expressions. If tools such as ODBC and JDBC are used to develop business logics, then there is another source of threats. In some situations the content of data sets retrieved by Select expressions can be modified and then committed into the host databases. These tools are agnostic regarding not only database schemas but also regarding the established access control policies. This situation can hardly be mastered by programmers of business logics in database applications with many and complex access control policies. To overcome this gap, we extend the basic Role-Based Access policy to support and supervise the two sources of security threats. This extension is then used to design the correspondent RBAC model. Finally, we present a software architectural model from which static RBAC mechanisms are automatically built, this way relieving programmers from mastering any schema. We demonstrate empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our proposal from a use case based on Java and JDBC
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